The App called TouchRetouch for iPhone is not only brilliant, but it works! It uses pinch zoom, lasso, has a sizing option and it will literally match it surroundings. What does it do? It will make unwanted objects from your photos disappear. This is a must have tool for the iPhoneograher!
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Follow the screenshots. Simple.
There is a "free" version and the full app without ads for .99. I use the paid version.
You can choose to take a picture direct from the App or pick a photo in your photo roll.
It also includes a sizing feature. It is great because most will make your photos too small automatically. This will be my example photo. There is a crystal beside the feet of Q (standing figure) I will remove. I pinched to stretch the photo to get in closer. I pick the size of brush and used my finger to cover the object which will be a red blur over the photos object. Once you are secure in your coverage, you simply click Go at the bottom. I did this in about 3 seconds but trust me, it can be very clean. I went back in and retouched the hand with the Clone Tool. Final Photo!
Keep in mind that this is not Photoshop. It is an App for a cellphone. It does what it claims and if you get good at it, no one will be the wiser to those unwanted objects.
Make sure you test the free version if you are not that interested, then buy the paid version once you see how great it really is. Other options include: brush size, a Clone Stamp, an eraser to remove your mistakes and Email or posting to popular websites like FaceBook and Twitter direct from App.
Free or paid, give a great review to the makers of this App.