I am a long time fan and a long time member of the "AT&T Rapes My Wallet Monthly" crew. After much debate and research, I opted for the Verizon iPad. They have more data plans available at better pricing and they have better service in rural areas. Did my research pay off? Only time will tell. I am 100% satisfied with the service they have offered and provided thus far.
In other news:
Where have I been? You can always find me on Twitter being a geeky numbskull (@TrekJen). Or you can also find me with a bloody nose from walking into walls from my newest gadget anywhere there is wifi and 3G. *Coming to a town near you this summer
I've jumped back into the world of XBox. After weeks of going without online competition from the hacking of Playstation/Sony, I broke down. If I didn't just get Mortal Kombat for PS3 and get denied my online skull smashing of little boys, I would have held out longer.
What I've occupied my time with:
-Book I'm reading: Darkness Under the Sun by Dean Koontz
-Album I'm playing the most: Hot Sauce Committee Part Two by the Beastie Boys
-Games I'm playing the most: Force Unleashed 2 (Xbox, just started the game)
Minecraft (PC)
Socom (PSP)
Mortal Kombat offline mode (Playstation 3)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 (iPad)
Star Trek Online (PC) (barely playing because it needs so much time)
-TV show I'm watching: Lost (Yes, again, and I'm behind on everything else)
-New comics I'm reading this month: All the Star Trek elder TOS spin off series by IDW (finally) and this doesn't include my weekly pick ups at the store.
-Best movie I've seen this month: Thor
-Worst movie I've seen this month: Green Hornet
-What I'm eating the most: Red Vines
-My beverage addiction of the month: Snapple Green and Black Raspberry Tea
-What I've ordered online the most this month: Ript Teeshirts (I'm horribly addicted)
-Times have I taken my longboards apart: 23 (since I can't ride right now, it's only logical)