I have been building a new site this last week which should be available for viewing in the very near future. Since my main focus has been coding the new site, I haven't had time to keep up here a few times a week with a new app or photo of travels. And I have been doing some major driving!
Work has been busy, so have the natural disasters. They go hand in hand at times.
I am looking forward to going to the Star Trek Las Vegas Convention and San Diego Comic Con this summer. I have been focusing a little time on reasonable cosplay for both of these events. I am not as young as I used to be so comfort is playing a major role this time. The only thing I am sure of is Resident Evil Extinction.
The new house is coming along brilliantly. I have stocked it with things I find to be priority, such as a new PC, bed and a "ridiculous TV". So far my bedroom is the only completed room. I am in no hurry now.
Oh, shorter hair this go around, (see photo). I think that is it for now!
*Photo taken and filtered with 100Cameras app.